Recent Insights.

3 April 2023
Ledge Opens Kalgoorlie Office
Our big news – we are excited to announce the opening of our new office in Kalgoorlie. We have a longstanding relationship with businesses that have a presence or are located in and around the Kalgoorlie-Boulder area. We have therefore taken the decision to open a Ledge office in Kalgoorlie. Located at Suite 8, 28 Cheetham Street, Kalgoorlie, our expanded presence will enable us to more closely support the local and surrounding areas’ business community. To learn more and arrange a meeting to discuss your business financing structure or loan requirements, contact Ledge Finance Executive Jacob McDonald at 0407 925 999 or jacob@ledge.com.au.

22 February 2023
The Wembley Magpies 2023 Regional Training Camp
Ledge is thrilled to be a proud sponsor of the Wembley Magpies Football Club for the 2023 season. We are dedicated to supporting the development of athletes and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. Recently, some players attended a training camp in Prevally just outside of Margaret River, which was an incredible experience for all. Players participated in various activities, including a beach session involving a 3.5km run, some team-building games, and competitive activities. They also had plenty of downtime to relax, eat, and swim. Another team-building session focused on communication and understanding the different ways different people think. As...

20 September 2022
Ledge & The Push-up Challenge 2022
Thank you for supporting Ledge Finance in The Push-Up Challenge 2022. The team from Ledge Finance are proud to have participated in The Push-Up Challenge in June 2022 to raise funds for Lifeline WA’s mental health and crisis support services and to promote mental health and suicide awareness. The Push-Up Challenge is Australia’s largest mental health and fitness initiative. Annually, over 300,000 Australians from all walks of life joining the push for better. In our first year participating in The Push-Up Challenge, the Ledge team collectively completed 16,673 push-ups and raised $6,394 for Lifeline WA. We are incredibly grateful to...

20 September 2022
New partnership with Wembley Football Club
Ledge Finance are pleased to announce a new three-year partnership with Wembley Football Club. Wembley FC are one of the oldest clubs in the amateur football competition, entering the Western Australian Football Association (now the Perth Football League) in 1927. The club has won 51 premierships across multiple divisions, and has over 200 playing members of all abilities, experience and backgrounds competing in six teams. The Wembley Football Club is excited to have Ledge Finance come on board as a major partner for the next three years. Partnership’s of this nature allow community clubs, like Wembley, to invest in equipment,...

20 June 2022
Ledge pushes for better mental health
Ledge Pushes for Better Mental Health The team from Ledge are proud to be participating in The Push-Up Challenge this month to raise funds for Lifeline WA’s mental health and crisis support services. The challenge will run until 24 June and we have already completed close to 10,000 push ups! We have found the the Push-Up Challenge to be a fantastic way to not only raise awareness about mental health and suicide but also fostering connection in our workplace, and engaging in mental and physical health in a fun and unique way. All funds raised will go towards mental health...